Pre COVID-19, a student from the MSU-MSMR (Masters in Marketing Research) program conducted a survey of 500 people ranging from 18 to 65 years old with 278 female respondents and 222 male respondents. In this survey we were able to tell from a consumer standpoint what they value with their entertainment experience.
What the data told us –

We found that
82.6% of people typically purchase concessions and/or merchandise while at sports of entertainment events
57% of people decide to purchase concessions from the shortest line/wait time
67.8% of people purchase concessions/merchandise before the event and 65.13% purchase during intermission(s)
42.62% of people purchase concessions and/or merchandise because concessions offers food while 36.8% purchase because it feels more authentic
20.6% (103) of people do not purchase concessions and/or merchandise because the lines are too long

Why this data is important –
At the end of this survey and through this data, we can confidently say that guests are not having the best possible experience at sporting and entertainment events because they are not able to select the vendor of their choice. Their decision is dictated based on guessing what will be the shortest and most convenient line at the venue.
Not only is this a bad experience for the guests, it can also affect venues and potential money they are losing. For example if 20.6% of people are not purchasing concessions or merchandise because of the lines, in a full stadium of 21,000 people the venue can be losing easily at the very least $130,000 in sales.

What can WaitTime do to solve these issues?
Venues utilizing WaitTime would be able to internally and externally use components of the service to help guide guests. Internally venues and stadiums can be able to see how many people are entering and exiting the building. Guest can be able to navigate through digital displays to different vendors and concessions. Through those displays they will be able to see what is available throughout the whole arena and how much traffic is in those areas.